From the “Toter Mann” site you can see the whole of the Pulkautal valley, from Manhartsberg to the Pollauer mountains Representatives of the research project came together with mayor Christian Hartmann and farmers and hunters from Alberndorf and Hadres for the opening of the yurt on 15.8.2020 Students from the Academy of Fine Arts presented site-specific works, which they explored with guests during short walks. . As part of the ceremony, Stella Rollig, Director of the Belvedere in Vienna, was named “Honorary Goddess” in recognition of her many years of excellence in the field of the arts. Elisabeth von Samsonow delivered the laudation and presented the certificate. Karl Koran from Alberndorf was appointed “Honorary President of the Yurt” by project manager Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, in appreciation of his expert commitment to the construction and maintenance problems from the outset.