13 - 15 September 2019 | MAMUZ Museum Mistelbach, Asparn an der Zaya


Stefania Pia is an Italian multimedia artist and creative who founded the free-press newspaper PelleNoLeather in 2004 in Milan. She moved to New York in 2007 where she created 4EYESlab creative laboratory that collaborates with international artisans, designers and artists. In those years 4EYES were born, famous for the original „glitter eyebrows“. In 2012 Paul Sevigny, the famous night impresario of New York, discovers her as a DJ for her new local Paul’s Baby Grand. Her international eclectic music conquers New York and Know-Wave radio gives her the chance to create her own radio program called Groovy Classical, soundtracks and classical music that Pia uses to work in her studio producing art. She has been collaborating since 2010 with Vogue Italia Online. From the summer of 2018 Pia chose Palermo to work at AMERIKA 1491, a retrospective of all his American-era works that includes necklaces and sculptures based on recycle and found objects, short films and photos from her archive, FLUOminiatures, large-scale collage paintings and tapestries .


STUDIO 4 a Palermo

Palermo #theplacetobe on Vogue.it



Amerika 1491 è un archivio di memorie che raccoglie dieci anni di avventure new yorkesi e include foto di archivio, one-of-a-kind #FLUOnckls made with recycle and found objects, collage paintings  di piccole e grandi dimensioni, arazzi su cotone lino ricavati da macro dettagli dei collages e short videos. Ma anche oggetti di vita quotidiana dai vestiti amish originali degli anni di Melet Mercantile agli oggetti del mio studio ai menu che mi cucinavo e musiche che usavo per lavorare( che poi è diventato programma radio x Know-Wave Radio).

Dieci anni di una NY che non esiste già più sia architettonicamente che per i volti che la rendevano così com’era è non è già più….really the last days of discos. The Obama Years….before this !



before Colombo before the Spanish the English etc … when America was the unknown territory, the infinite land of dreams.. so massive, the garden of heaven and the Indians were guardians of the land and theirs recipes  …after that year, 1491, nothing was the same anymore and it felt to me at one point that  those American years were my #Amerika1491 while New York was changing again and forever in way that nothing will be the same anymore…. an ecstatic that will be miss …to fresh to be recognised maybe, but there for us to be remember.

© Stefania Pia